The Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium is an annual bilingual research conference organized by graduate students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. This symposium provides opportunities for graduate students to share their work in progress or completed research, engage with their colleagues, and participate in the development of new ways of understanding, thinking, and doing. Through the poster session, oral presentations, and workshops, students are brought together to learn from each other and to develop and grow as academics.

For many students, this will be their first academic conference, as such, it has been a strong part of the Symposium’s tradition to work towards building a supportive and congenial atmosphere while allowing students to showcase their work to the greater educational community and gain experience in presenting at peer-reviewed academic conferences.
Founded in 1985 by Professor Jean-Paul Dionne, the Symposium has grown to encompass two full days of activities and attracts graduate students from across Canada and the United States to participate.